

罗伯特·比尔比| 2022年9月

在美光创投, we are always on the hunt to find companies that are truly innovative in their application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) across various problem domains and 应用程序. 工业和汽车领域的传感器堆栈是我们不断监测的领域之一, 我们一直在寻找低成本的, 软件定义的3D传感解决方案.

空间意识 & 三维传感

Spatial and environmental awareness is the critical bottleneck preventing the widespread adoption of autonomy in areas such as driving and factories. 在传统的传感系统中有各种各样的技术:摄像头, 超声波, 雷达, 和激光雷达, 但它们都有内在的局限性. 基于摄像头的传感器在白天表现良好, 但它们在夜间表现不佳,因为相机需要足够的光线来探测物体. 相反, 雷达 sensors are capable of perceiving objects’ shapes better than cameras in dark environments but are typically limited in resolution. Light detection and ranging (激光雷达) technology has thus far shown promise in addressing these limitations with better performance in dark environments for object detection and 3D sensing but the technology is still limited in image quality and resolution in rainy or foggy weather.

出于这个原因, several autonomous vehicles (AV) manufacturers point to sensor fusion as the solution to address the in在这里nt limitations of each sensor: taking different technologies and building a composite view around the vehicle through the combination of 超声波 雷达, 激光雷达, 和照相机. This fusion of multiple sensor technologies is helpful to eliminate the weaknesses of any sensor type and is proving to be the best way forward. T在这里 has been a flurry of investment in 激光雷达 sensors with around $6 billion in ventures funding (source: Pichbook) over the last decade and has even resulted in eight (Luminar, 威力登, Aeva, 下台, AEye, Quanergy系统, Cepton技术, 和Innoviz Technologies)在2020/21年的SPAC热潮中公开交易激光雷达公司. 然而, 激光雷达 is challenged to become a practical technology that can be part of the sensor fusion portfolio in the vehicle due to limited reliability, 成本高,精度和分辨率有限.

现在正是采取新方法的时候. While incumbent 激光雷达 players are focused on fine tuning hardware from the light source to the conversion and post processing of the data to achieve scale, Red Leader正在使用其新颖的软件定义方法,提供更高的灵活性,并提供:

  • The ability to add complex and proprietary software algorithms in a dedicated System on a Chip (SoC) – driving higher resolution without compromising on power requirements
  • 一个硬件不可知的解决方案,可以集成激光雷达传感器(机械和固态), 源激光的波长905nm vs 1550nm,现在脉冲vs. 连贯)


当你去看牙医的时候,你知道, 牙医会给你看牙齿的x光片, 他们可能会指出一个特定的区域并告诉你, "这里有个洞". 但你所能看到的只是一个模糊的污点.

这与未经训练的人在分析传统激光雷达数据时看到的情况类似. 就像看清楚牙科x光片会更有帮助一样, 更清楚地看到激光雷达产生的图像也会更有帮助.


Red Leader’s unique software-based approach to 3D sensing in a predominantly hardware-centric 激光雷达 industry offers performance enhancement and unlocks interoperability across manufacturers via an open licensing model. The company has developed a proprietary AI algorithm and computational 数字信号处理 (DSP) software solution to enable light-wave processing to unlock scalability within 3D imaging. 与传统的激光雷达不同,传统的激光雷达对场景没有反应,并且使用基本的单波束来产生信号, Red Leader transmits a data-rich customized waveform with multiple encoded beams without waiting for return signals and calculates distances by decoding the reflected beams from incoming signals like CDMA. 通过利用信号处理技术跨方案调制激光信号-直接脉冲飞行时间(ToF), 间接连续ToF, and co在这里nt fully modulated continuous wave (FMCW) — Red Leader enables transmission of multiple laser beams in a single receiver system and achieves 100x resolution enhancement compared to current 激光雷达s.

Red Leader achieves spatial awareness by combining high resolution (20M points/sec compared to 1M points/sec) sensing with edge compute (<5ms latency for automation loops) and is environmentally robust as its 3D sensor extends 激光雷达 capabilities to support all weather and lighting environments by unlocking 雷达-like ranges and camera-like resolutions not feasible today. In the image below we see that an industry standard 16-channel 激光雷达 system is unable to generate a 清晰的 point cloud (image created through 激光雷达) but when equipped with Red Leader’s 3D sensing software, 同样的激光雷达系统可以在不影响范围或成本的情况下清楚地看到物体和人. Traditional 激光雷达s are also prone to reduced ranges and resolutions at scale from crosstalk (noise created by myriad disparate signals) as more and more machines are equipped with 激光雷达 sensors, 但Red Leader的3D传感解决方案甚至解决了这个问题,因为它的发射信号波束中的每个通道都是独一无二的.

使用红导软件的16通道激光雷达与不使用红导软件的16通道激光雷达的比较 图片来自红色领袖|红色领袖演示视频
沙巴体育安卓版下载红色领袖的信息,请查看他们的首席执行官在会上说了什么 2022年台北国际电脑展红色领袖网站


欲了解更多沙巴体育安卓版下载美光创投和我们投资组合公司的信息,请访问 在这里

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Red Leader is currently targeting autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs) as its beachhead within the robotics market to drive adoption and realize economies of scale by leveraging learnings and network effects to expand into broader high performance autonomous vehicles and mass-scale consumer electronics (AR/VR headsets, 无人机和智能手机)市场. By incorporating an activation-based business model in which Joint Development Manufacturers (JDMs) or Contract Manufacturers (CMs) license the open hardware reference designs for mass production, 该公司正在解锁目前专注于硬件的激光雷达制造商无法实现的规模运动.

自上一轮由美光创投(微米 合资企业)联合领投的融资以来, 杰克·希拉德和丽贝卡·王, 红色领袖的联合创始人, have done a great job of attracting top talent from industry leaders and garnered notable investors and industry advisors to help scale their novel full-stack 3D sensing hardware-software solution. 通过在A轮投资Red Leader, 微米 is not only supporting Red Leader to optimize its edge computations but also positioning 微米 as a leading participant in the nascent but large and strategic 3D sensing market within the broader industrial, 汽车和消费电子行业.

要了解更多沙巴体育安卓版下载红色领袖的信息,请查看他们的首席执行官在会上说了什么 2022年台北国际电脑展红色领袖网站

欲了解更多沙巴体育安卓版下载美光创投和我们投资组合公司的信息,请访问 在这里



罗伯特贝耳俾, 汽车系统架构和细分市场高级总监, 谁负责战略, 负责美光汽车事业部的市场营销和沙巴体育结算平台定义. 加入美光之前, 罗伯特在系统领域工作了30多年, 在柯达担任各种工程和执行职务, 阿尔特拉, 大规模集成电路逻辑, 和Xilinx. Robert在体系结构的系统级别带来了丰富的经验, 策略, 垂直营销和沙巴体育结算平台策划. Robert has authored multiple articles on broad industry topics and holds more than 40 patents in the areas of channel coding, 数字信号处理, 可编程逻辑器件.