
Micron volunteers bring STEM education to students

Micron Technology | June 2021

Micron Gives Volunteers Bring STEM Education to Students Worldwide

Despite challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, Micron Gives was undaunted in delivering STEM education, bringing science, technology, engineering and mathematics learning opportunities to more than 2,500 students around the world — in Taiwan, Japan, Italy, Shanghai and the U.S. — from August 2020 through July 2021.

美光STEM教育项目旨在激发所有年级的学生,并向他们介绍有趣而迷人的STEM领域. 我们希望学生们爱上这些学科,特别是那些与制造半导体相关的学科,并培养一种激情, hopefully, turns into careers. Who knows? 也许参加我们项目的一些聪明而好奇的学生会在几年后成为聪明而好奇的美光团队成员.


Job shadow program for a high-tech world

Our long-standing job shadow program, in which students learn about careers in the semiconductor industry, moved online this year due to COVID-19 precautions. 350多名学生参加了了解半导体产业的活动. 他们与选定职业领域的团队成员进行互动,以了解追求这些职业所需的条件. 学生们还被介绍了就业和高等教育途径资源.

These programs don’t happen without help. In this case, over 80 Micron volunteers from several U.S. sites made the program possible. Their mentorship and role-modeling influenced students from across the country. The virtual format allowed us to reach a wider diversity of students, 其中女性参与者占34%,来自代表性不足和资源不足人群的比例高于往年.

The feedback we receive highlights the importance of these programs. Here’s what one parent said, “My son walked away with loads of good, new information on careers he hadn’t thought much about before. This was priceless for him, so a big thank you to everyone.”

Girls Going Tech

美光的全球女孩去科技(GGTech)计划旨在为女孩提供一个通过乐趣探索STEM概念的机会, 实践活动,同时直接向在美光科技STEM领域工作的女性学习.

Girls Going Tech events were held in the U.S., Taiwan and Japan.

In the U.S.今年,来自美国6个州的250多名女孩参加了虚拟活动. Micron team members once again volunteered in force, with 50 team members giving their time and expertise to the program. In addition, 40% of U.S. participants were from under-resourced populations.

台湾举办了多场GGTech活动,有230多名学生和23名志愿者参加. In Japan’s inaugural GGTech event, 52 students and three Micron volunteers were involved, 还有来自广岛大学的18名大学生,他们是志愿者,帮助活动取得了成功.

Women in Technical Careers events

Women in Technical Careers (WITC) brings casual, 为九至十二年级女生提供互动性和知识性的职业讨论. Career presenters are women who work at Micron in various STEM-related fields. These WITC events have Q&这是一个论坛,讨论的话题从高中上什么课到如何选择大学,以及STEM职业生涯中最具挑战性的部分是什么. A total of 76 students from three U.S. 在25名Micron志愿者的帮助下,美国各州参加了这8场活动.

Micron Tech Camp

美光科技营今年增加了来自15个州的400多名初中学生,其中34%是女性,超过50%来自代表性不足或资源不足的人群. Four weeks of camp were held virtually for the second year, 美光公司为学生提供了活动材料,以确保他们有动手的STEM体验. A total of 140 Micron team members, including 40 interns, 通过自愿奉献自己的时间和精力来支持科技营,使这些营地成为可能. 美光公司总裁兼首席执行官Sanjay Mehrotra为每周的夏令营提供主题演讲.

Again, the feedback is positive. Parents love to see their students engaged in summer activities, sending messages of gratitude like this one: “This camp was amazing. 我儿子说,如果他暑假每天都有这个夏令营,他仍然会很高兴地参加. Thank you so much!”

Rural STEM

Thanks to team member volunteers, 虚拟STEM课程每周或每两周一次提供给爱达荷州两个农村社区的学生. 这些社区位于偏远地区,很难亲自进行外展. 虚拟的形式(和志愿者的奉献精神)使这种体验成为可能.

A total of 85 students participated across the 26 virtual sessions, which were put on by 12 Micron volunteers. Of those participating, half were female and 100% were from under-resourced populations, meaning they were from rural or low socioeconomic status schools. Also, 30% were from populations that are underrepresented in STEM.

Young girl working on a robot design. Okayama, Japan

Other Events

另外两个项目在台湾提供:美光科学冬令营和科学趣味展. 今年1月,120名学生与3名美光志愿者一起参加了科学冬令营. In April, 超过800名学生欣赏由30名义工为“科学趣博会”准备的20个科学摊位.

在意大利,美光推动了一项名为“超越国界和障碍的STEAM”的挑战. In this challenge, 来自四所中学的40名学生与米兰理工大学合作了两个项目,这将使他们的社区受益,同时激励下一代发明家. 这次合作的结果是创建了一个虚拟技术博物馆,并开发了一个可下载的应用程序,允许用户在具有历史和科学意义的地区进行虚拟游览. Micron team members served as mentors and advisers for these projects.

美光上海邀请了一组七年级学生到现场与团队成员一起进行STEM活动. 学生们用led做了一个电路,当led亮起“爱美光”的字样时,他们非常兴奋.另一项活动是拆开手机,观察其内部技术, 工程师们展示了如何进行简单的手机测试,并解释了手机的主要部件.

美光全球STEM项目在为我们的基地社区提供STEM教育方面有着丰富的历史. 转向虚拟形式不仅使我们能够接触到更多的学生,还能接触到那些可能无法获得这些体验的人群. 我们知道,多样化的经历有助于创新,而创新是帮助所有人充分发挥潜力的火花.