

普拉萨德Alluri | 2023年12月

The personal computer (PC) has transformed into a multifaceted instrument, 服务于广泛的用户. 在这些用户中,商务人士和游戏玩家尤为突出. 尽管他们有不同的需求, there is a common thread that binds them — the quest for a superior user experience. 这种共同的追求以独特的方式塑造了PC和工作站的设计.

Solid state drives (固态硬盘s) have emerged as a pivotal component in augmenting the user experience on client devices by boosting power efficiency, 速度和可靠性. 主要有两类客户端ssd可供选择:

  1. Value client 固态硬盘s: These 固态硬盘s strike a balance between features, performance and affordability. They often feature a “DRAM-less” architecture offloading some 存储 operations to the PC host memory buffer as a trade-off for reducing onboard DRAM cost.1 它们是日常计算应用的理想选择, 提供用户体验和可负担性的最佳组合.
  2. Performance client 固态硬盘s: These 固态硬盘s offer superior user experience and outperform value client 固态硬盘s. Often designed with onboard DRAM caching to help enable higher performance and responsiveness, they are increasingly popular in both professional and 游戏 PCs that require high performance.


在专业和科学领域,个人电脑是至关重要的工具. They enable data analysis, project management, product development tools, and more. 用户体验为专业, 业务, 科学应用以数据传输速率为中心, 可靠性和安全性.

Professional and scientific computing users often juggle multiple tasks simultaneously, 需要配备强大处理器的个人电脑, 足够的内存, and performance-level client 固态硬盘s for the most demanding applications. 这些规范确保了最佳的用户体验.


The 游戏 industry's meteoric rise has spurred advancements in PC technology. For gamers, the user experience hinges on responsiveness and performance. Games are resource-intensive applications that require high-performance hardware to quickly load huge graphics sets. Gaming PCs often boast powerful graphics cards and high-speed processors.

Performance 固态硬盘s elevate the user experience by reducing game loading times and transition time between scenes.


通常, 如图1所示, an 固态硬盘 sends compressed data to the central processing unit (CPU) to be decompressed before sending it to the graphics processing unit (GPU) for rendering. 然而,解压缩需要时间和CPU周期. Microsoft Direct存储 avoids this problem by shipping all that data directly to RAM and then to the GPU. 这简化了数据传输的整个过程, 在GPU中解压和渲染, 绕过CPU.


With Direct存储 the result is faster data transfers that maximize the advantage of a high-performance 固态硬盘. Today there are just two PC games that take advantage of Direct存储 — Forespoken™ from Luminous Productions and Diablo IV™ from Blizzard Entertainment. As 司机 are optimized for Direct存储 more PC games are expected to support it in the future.

美光3500 NVMe™固态硬盘:改变游戏规则

微米 has upped its game with the announcement of the 微米 3500 NVMe™ 固态硬盘. This new client performance 固态硬盘 offers an industry-leading user experience for the most demanding client applications in professional computing, 科学, 游戏, 以及内容创作.2

The 微米 3500 固态硬盘 accelerates insights and enhances productivity across a wide range of professional computing applications. 与竞争相比:3,4

  1. Life 科学s, medical and scientific applications score up to 132% better.
  2. Media and entertainment, 3D modeling and graphic arts score up to 74% better.
  3. 沙巴体育结算平台开发应用程序的得分提高了71%.
  4. PCMark 10的分数提高了38%.
PCMark 10-512GB条形图
PCMark 10-512GB访问时间柱状图
Figure 2: 微米 3500 scores using PCMark 10 and SPECwpc benchmarks versus competitive 固态硬盘s

The 微米 3500 固态硬盘 elevates your game with the industry’s leading performance 固态硬盘 for client PC user experience. With the 微米 3500 you can load games like Valorant up to 38% faster and gain a critical advantage.5 The 微米 3500 is Direct存储-capable and future-proofed for todays and tomorrow’s Direct存储 游戏.

The 微米 3500 is built around the world’s first 200-plus-layer NAND for client-performance 固态硬盘s, 固态硬盘的主要特性包括:

  • 断电保护(数据处于静止状态)
  • 主机控制的热管理
  • 性能增强加速缓存与DRAM
  • 固件激活不复位
  • 热智能通过SMBus
  • 基本管理命令(BMC)
  • 功率损耗信号支持
  • 微米 存储 Executive管理工具
  • 安全6
    • 基于硬件的AES 256位加密
    • 消毒块和加密擦除
    • TCG蛋白石2.2、TCG黄铁矿.01

The 微米 3500 固态硬盘 leads the industry in user experience for the most demanding client applications for professional computing, 科学, 游戏和内容创造. 这款新的固态硬盘现在正在向OEM和ODM客户发货.

更多信息请参见: www.微米.com/3500

沙巴体育结算平台而导致的数据被盗或损坏, including those products that incorporate any of the mentioned security features. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅:http://www.微米.com/about/product-security-center

\r\n"}}' id="blog-footnotes">

1 有关主机内存缓冲区的信息,请参阅: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8868151

2 Among client performance 固态硬盘s from the top four competitive suppliers of client 固态硬盘s by revenue as of August 2023, 不包括控制台, 正如Forward Insights分析师报告所述, 固态硬盘供应商Status_Q2/Q3.

3 基于内部测试,详见脚注2. 有关SPECwpc基准测试的详细信息,请参见:SPECwpc V2.0工作站基准

4 基于内部测试,详见脚注2. 有关PCMark 10基准测试的详细信息,请参阅: http://benchmarks.ul.com/pcmark10

5 Internal 微米 testing with Valorant™ and Call of Duty® Modern Warfare load times versus competitive 固态硬盘s as detailed in Footnote 2. Valorant is published by Riot Games and Call of Duty is published by Activision.

6 No software or system can provide absolute security under all conditions. 美光不对损失承担任何责任, 因使用任何美光沙巴体育结算平台而导致的数据被盗或损坏, including those products that incorporate any of the mentioned security features. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅:http://www.微米.com/about/product-security-center



普拉萨德Alluri is the vice president and general manager for 客户端 存储 in the 存储 Business Unit. 此前,他曾担任公司战略副总裁 & 孵化项目. 他曾在美光和英特尔工作, 他在哪里担任过沙巴体育结算平台开发方面的各种职位, 沙巴体育结算平台规划与策略. Prasad obtained his bachelor’s from the Indian Institute of Technology (Bombay), a Ph.D. from Arizona State University, and an MBA from Wharton School of Business. 工作之余,普拉萨德喜欢打扑克和徒步旅行.
